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Eugenia Allier Montaño

Eugenia Allier Montaño insegna Storia Latino-Americana presso la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Fra i suoi lavori, Batallas de la memoria. Los usos políticos del pasado reciente en Uruguay (Trilce-IISUNAM 2010), Las luchas por la memoria en América Latina. Historia reciente y violencia política (con Emilio Crenzel, IISUNAM-Bonilla Artigas 2015, tradotto in inglese come The Struggle for Memory in Latin America, Palgrave 2015), En la cresta de la ola. Debates y definiciones en torno a la historia del tiempo presente (con César Iván Vilchis e Camilo Vicente, IISUNAM-Bonilla Artigas, 2020), e 68, el movimiento que triunfó en el futuro. Historia, memoria y presente (IIS-UNAM, 2021). Nel dicembre 2021 è stata nominata membro della Commissione di indagine su verità, giustizia e ricostruzione storica delle violazioni ai diritti umani in Messico fra il 1965 e il 1990.

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Keynote - 31 maggio 17.00

Generations and Narration
in the History of the Present Time

The history of the present time, the one that studies ‘living’ events, past events that do not pass, finds its definition linked to generations and narration. Each present is lived by three generations: when history studies the present, it narrates a story where at least one of those generations is still alive. In this presentation, we will address these close links between the history of the present, generations, and narration. Links that generate tensions and public debates, which mark this lived and alive history.

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